Eighth 4.38


Chapter 40

1M Jun 02,2018 - 10:06 AM Kawachi Izumi

Eighth Research is a large biotech company based on advanced research and development of DNA manipulation. Naoya Graphico is on the security team for the company run by his uncle. Naoya has been acknowledged for his high combat skills and is sent on top secret missions regarding Eighth Research’s interests. His most recent task has Naoya infiltrating a rival company where a mysterious girl named Celcia has been kidnapped. Naoya’s passion for protecting the weak always helps him accomplish missions; he just needs to make sure his libido doesn’t get in the way.
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Valkyrie Profile Enix Supercomic Gekijoh 5.0

Valkyrie Profile Enix Supercomic Gekijoh

Vol.1 Chapter 5 : Alive, By Gyokuryuu

88.3K Jan 20,2016 - 10:24 AM Iwasa Akirako, Yasaka Mamoko, Tachikawa Harunosuke, Saeki Yashirou, Gyokuryuu, Mizutani Yuzu, Hayashi Fumino, Katou Katsumasa, Kawachi Izumi

A manga anthology, based on the first Valkyrie Profile Game "Lenneth". It's a collection of several comedy shortstories by 10 different mangaka.
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Show Me Your Boobies And Look Embarrassed! 4.55

Show Me Your Boobies And Look Embarrassed!

Chapter 4: Yoga With Onee-San

1.5M Jan 10,2021 - 05:57 AM Kawachi Izumi, 5Miri Nishizawa

Just as the title of the work describes, a compilation of stories involving girls showing the mc her tits while looking embarrassed.
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